Women in cloud digital summit

By Applaudo


Collective Power and Partners that believe in its power

Katina Kenyon will be representing Applaudo in the Women in Cloud Digital Summit 2021.

I’m Katina Kenyon, Co-Founder of Applaudo Studios, a digital strategy company that brings deep technical expertise and intensity along with UX/UI driven strategies to walk with companies on their digital transformation journeys and I also believe in “Collective Power”.  

“I believe that when explicit and implicit biases are put in check, it’s only then will we have the collective power to open doors for under-represented entrepreneurs to the kind of financial, social and human capital they need to build companies that will make our world a better place to live.”  

I’m also a proud member of the Women in Cloud community, whose mission is to create $1B of economic access for women entrepreneurs by 2030.  The Women in Cloud Digital Summit 2021, which is just around the corner on Jan 28-30, 2021 is centered around this very theme of “Collective Power” and I want to be an example for female entrepreneurs globally as to what a female technology leader looks like, so women and girls can see themselves, picture themselves and imagine their future in the tech world.  

About Women in Cloud Digital Summit 2021

Seeing is believing and it’s also one of the reasons I joined the Women in Cloud Accelerator, in the accelerator’s 4th cohort wrapping up at the Summit in a few weeks. 

I was moved by women like Chaitra Vedullapalli and Karen Fassio, cofounders of the Women in Cloud, who had the courage to create such a bold mission of $1B of economic access for women entrepreneurs. They backed their mission with many of the world’s most trusted and admired technology companies, adding a powerful curriculum that was supported by enthusiastic and exec-leveled mentors, advisors, and advocates.  The personalized access to the high-powered Women in Cloud ecosystem gives women entrepreneurs a place to explore their strengths while making sure that potential partners, co-sellers, and investors see these women and their solutions with high confidence to buy, package, or co-sell with them.   

With “Collective Power” as the theme for the Women in Cloud Digital Summit 2021 I will be presenting on the topic: “Choosing the Right Partner to Build Your Product and Digital Strategy.”  With this talk, I will focus on what considerations companies need to take when selecting a partner, finding partners who are truth tellers, and partners who are purpose-driven with values in their culture that are easy to spot and that have the technical chops to be digital strategists with the muscle to elevate your business to the next level.  

I plan to continue my work with Women in Cloud to build policies that tackle the hard truths of today.  

Policies with goals that start with just getting women in the game but aspire to bring women to a level playing field.  

Applaudo Studios, in partnership with Women in Cloud, plans to focus on two policies

  1. Getting women early education opportunities in STEM and other disciplines that foster their ingenuity and opening up career experiences that inform their worldview with strong advocacy and backing. 
  2. Fostering networks of high powered profiles, highly engaged allies, and influential investors.

We at Applaudo Studios believe these policies can be and are within our control and are humbled at the opportunity to give this level of access to women technologists!  

Join me at the Women in Cloud Digital Summit 2021 in January to find your partner-in-growth, and take collective action to build the future of women in technology and visit us at Applaudo Studios for a free consultation of your digital project.

Book your spot today with a 15% discount, and get on board to witness the Collective Power of Women in the technology industry from around the world! 

We highly recommend the following Interactive Experiences for you to participate and expand your network: 

  1. 28 January: Learn about Tech Industry at their opening plenary with Former Prime Minister of Canada, Rt Honorable Kim Campbell and Corporate Vice President Gavriella Schuster 
  2. 28 January: Explore Cloud Jobs at #CloudJobs Fair & Recruitment Lounge
  3. 28 January: Meet Black Founders
  4. 29 January: Master your pitch at #RockYourPitch Experience
  5. 29 January: Get access to mentorship from Cloud Industry leaders
  6. 30 January: Get your kids to participate in Youth Mentorship Circle
  7. 30 January: Make New Friends at Scavenger Hunt 

Also, join WIC Digital Network to be part of the global economic access movement.


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